Baslow Environment Group

Caring about the environment in Baslow and beyond

Preserving our heritage and protecting our future

Welcome to the Baslow Environment Group!

We're a community group dedicated to protecting and enhancing the natural environment of Baslow, a beautiful village nestled within the Peak District National Park. Here in Derbyshire, close to Sheffield and Chesterfield, we share a deep love for this special place and recognise the importance of safeguarding its beauty.

We're all facing environmental challenges, and the Baslow Environment Group aims to tackle these issues across four key areas: Energy, Land, Transport, and Birds. Through advocacy, conservation efforts, and community engagement, we strive to ensure a sustainable future for Baslow and the wider area. Since forming in the autumn of 2023 we have made great progress, including forging a working relationship with the Chatsworth Estate.

Whether you call Baslow home or are simply drawn to its natural wonders, we invite you to join us. Explore our website to learn more about our initiatives, discover volunteer opportunities, and find out how you can contribute to protecting Baslow's environment.

Next Meeting

Our next full meeting is on Wednesday 2 April 2025 at 7.30pm in the Devonshire Arms in Baslow. Meetings take place in the room at the back of the restaurant.

Latest News

We're making progress on all project areas.

Cycle path

Peak District National Park (PDNP) are launching a consultation on a proposed cycle path that will run through Chatsworth Park.

It's fair to say we are gobsmacked. This is so good. If the proposal becomes reality then people of all ages can start to cycle from Baslow to Bakewell and beyond.

The link to the consultation is below. The closing date is Sunday 16 March and we need loads of Baslow people to respond. Please complete it, share it with your friends. Share it with people who are not your friends. It's a great opportunity.

Living churchyard

There was a last minute technical hitch with the land around the Cavendish. And so we've got a new plan to bring life to the churchyard.

We have 105 native hedging plants being delivered in the next couple of weeks. They will be planted in geometric shapes in areas of the churchyard and over the coming years will form a valuable habitat in keeping with feel of the churchyard. First planting day is scheduled for the morning of Saturday 22 March.

We've also won a grant of £700 to buy 600 pollinating plant plugs which we will pot up over the next month and plant out in early summer. We're just working up the design for this, but looking at bold geometric shapes.

If you've got space in a greenhouse or cold frame to take a dozen small plants we'd love to hear from you.

E-Bike Taster Day

E-bikes are just the best thing. As soon as you try one you'll want to have one and be out on it the whole time. So we're going to have an e-bike taster day on the afternoon of 18 May 2025.

The session will be supported by an e-bike supplier who will provide the bikes and full instruction. Come along, it might change your life!


Morning bird walks are planned for Saturday 10 May (novice) and Monday 12 May (warblers and flycatchers) starting at 8.00am to catch the best of the song. And an evening walk to find nightjars and woodcocks.

These are not-to-be-missed opportunities to pay attention to the beauty all around us.


We've had the first stage report from the consultants which is very positive. It is technically feasible to get enough power for 60 homes from the weir (though it won't work like that).

So it seems like it's game-on, though it will be quite a long game.

Through our work, we:

Link to Energy Group page
Link to Transport Group page
Link to Land Group page
Link to Bird Group page

Moths in a Baslow Garden

Read Mike Holcombe's account of the range of species of moths found in his garden. The page contains the full list along with image, size and the plants they feed on.

The Baslow 50 Bird Challenge

Are you ready to take the Baslow 50 Bird Challenge?